Friday, March 31, 2006

A little update on the Smiths

Well, Shane and I have decided that it is time to let the world in on our little secret. The secret isn't all that secret anymore, but I know that there are some people who don't know. Shane and I are expecting another baby again in September! For those of you who are having a hard time keeping count this is number 5. We are very excited and being that I am 15 weeks now, and starting to have a hard time buttoning my pants, we figured we couldn't hide it anymore. We thought that we were done having children, but our Lord has other plans. And so he has yet again created life within my womb, out of the love and passion that Shane and I share for each other.
There was a time that this really freaked me out. I thought having another baby, going to school, homeschooling, and the stress of Shane going to Iraq, was going to require me to be medicated. Seriously. But God is so good to me. He does not plant me on a limb and leave me. Like the gentle man He is, He guides me and speaks to me and lets me know that even if I do have to birth my baby without my husband even in the states, that I am not alone. I am not forgotten with what to me at the time seemed like a staggering amount of responsibility. I am surrounded by a love so deep and so intense that He would die for me.
So, I have surrendered to what God has planned for my life. It might not have matched up with what I had planned, but who am I to argue with the One who created the earth and the sunsets, and this life. So, as my body nurtures this little one, and my heart grows to love and nurture it's soul and spirit, My God nurtures me.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Welch Haven

This past weekend we went to Welch Haven, which is Shane's uncles cabin over on the peninsula. It was a wonderful time just hanging out together. I love my family. They are so precious. They never cease to make us laugh. From Ryan saying uh-oh for the first time, to Tyler trying to swim in the middle of winter, they are just so fun and adventurous. We had a great time climbing trees, roasting marshmallows, playing games, and exploring the beach.
I once heard a well known family and marriage counselor speak on what makes a family close and stay together and connect. His answer? They did things together! Go figure.

This is a picture of Shane and Tyler climbing trees. I love the way Shane is reaching down to Tyler, and Tyler is reaching up to his dad.

Here's Tyler swimming. He reminds me a little of those people who Polar Plunge on New Years Day in Alaska! We didn't think he would really do it once he stuck in his toe. It didn't last too long and I ran back up to the cabin to get warm clothes and hot chocolate ready.

The kids have found a star fish and are all clustered around it. We first discovered it up at the cabin looking through Tyler's telescope.

This is our attempt to take a family picture with the self timer.