Welch Haven
This past weekend we went to Welch Haven, which is Shane's uncles cabin over on the peninsula. It was a wonderful time just hanging out together. I love my family. They are so precious. They never cease to make us laugh. From Ryan saying uh-oh for the first time, to Tyler trying to swim in the middle of winter, they are just so fun and adventurous. We had a great time climbing trees, roasting marshmallows, playing games, and exploring the beach.
I once heard a well known family and marriage counselor speak on what makes a family close and stay together and connect. His answer? They did things together! Go figure.

This is a picture of Shane and Tyler climbing trees. I love the way Shane is reaching down to Tyler, and Tyler is reaching up to his dad.

Here's Tyler swimming. He reminds me a little of those people who Polar Plunge on New Years Day in Alaska! We didn't think he would really do it once he stuck in his toe. It didn't last too long and I ran back up to the cabin to get warm clothes and hot chocolate ready.

The kids have found a star fish and are all clustered around it. We first discovered it up at the cabin looking through Tyler's telescope.

It looks like you guys had a great time. Although I'm not so sure I endorse allowing a child to climb a tree. He could hurt himself dontcha-know! I look forward to having a boy so my husband can teach him manly things like that!
I can't believe Tyler swimming. Kids are so amazing. I'm glad you got pictures so you can scrapbook about it. It will be a treasured family memory. Thanks for sharing it with us. Love ya!
Thanks Nicole. We figure broken bones, stiches and hyperthermia are all part of growing up!
Nicole you crack me up! Ha ha! Anyways, glad you guys had a fun get away...we need to do that more! We missed you though! It was the first time I got to go to church Sunday morning in over a month since I started working. Blah! Well we will have to plan another hang out time soon! We love you guys!
Hi Shann
It's your sis. Glad to hear everything went well with "peanut"! Ha Ha! I miss you so much! Your such an incredibe woman, I only wish I had your strength! Please give my love to the kids and I enjoyed the time we got to spend together I hope I wasnt in the way to much!! I cant wait to see you all again. My prayers are with you and Shane. I love all seven of you.
Love always your sister,
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