Sunday, May 21, 2006

July 19, 2006

July 19, 2006. This is the date Shane is to be activated. The call came Friday morning which started the finalization for Shane's mobilization. The paper work will be done on Sunday. I can't believe it is actually here. It is now official and it feels so surreal. We have known for over a year that this was most likely going to happen and now here it is. We have been walking around in a daze for the last few days. I think that the realization of it has now hit me. MY HUSBAND IS GOING TO WAR. I have so many feelings at once, so I know Shane has to be feeling weird too. Although he is so much more logical than I. It's weird to think of the things he will miss. The birth of our fifth baby, Christmas, Thanksgiving, family reunions, birthdays,dinners, and conversations. All of this I can live with.
I firmly believe that what Shane will fight for is noble. He is helping to bring freedom to those who do not have it. He is helping a country learn to help themselves and not live under oppression. Our Lord goes with him. Not only with him, but in front, behind, to the sides and over and under. Our Lord is our Refuge. My prayer is that Shane will be used heavily by the Lord during this time. To strengthen brothers, to increase the kingdom. Shane's actual job is an epuipment operator for the Navy Seabees. They are a construction battalion. So I do not fear heavily for his safety. He will not be on the front lines, but instead behind building things. Many people have asked why he doesn't get out. Well, the answer is quite simple. My husband is a man of his word. He has honor and is noble. He joined the navy and takes the bitter with the sweet. He does not run when the going gets tough. He stands by his fellow soldiors. He doesn't leave them to do the work, but gets his hands dirty as well. Knowing the sacrifice is great. I am so proud of him.
Thank you Shane for your courage. Your sacrifice, your strength, and your character. I am honored to be your wife. I will be on the front lines on my knees for you. You will be covered in prayer and with my love. I will wait patiently for the day of your return, knowing how sweet it will be. Our children will pray for you and help each other out when they get lonely for their dad. You are a great role model for our children. You are an incredible man, Shane. I have so much respect for you. May the days go fast, our love grow stronger, and our walk with Jesus closer. I love you.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

It's A Girl!

Here she is! Isn't she just beautiful? We had our ultrasound a few weeks ago and found out we are having another little princess. Our family is very excited to welcome another girl and to know how precious and what a treasure she will be. Jordan just cracks me up. She is constantly talking about how cute our baby is and wants to rub my ever expanding belly. I once called the baby "my baby" and I was immediatly corrected that this was "our" baby! And of course she's right. She also has a baby in her uterus (her words, not mine. Just part of having a mom as a student midwife!) She knows all about the placenta and the umbilical cord. She reminds me of myself when I was younger, always inquisitive. But I think that's great. She also wants to see babies come out all the time. Seriously. On the computer, books, video's, it doesn't really matter. As long as there is crowning involved she's all for it. Shane thinks we're weird. He may be right.
Well that's it for now, Hope everyone has a fantastic Mother's Day!