Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Signing Off.........

As soon as I finish this post, I will be disconnecting my computer and packing it up. As you know from one of our recent posts we have sold our house and are moving. Where?, some of you have asked. Well, that is a really good question. We had an offer on a house, put ours up for sale, sold our house, and didn't get the house we had an offer on. Major Bummer. But, God has a plan and only He knows what's in store for The Smith Family. As of right now, we will be staying at our friends' house for a week, before the kids and I move on to my aunts cabin in Eastern Washington. Shane will be staying with his dad so tht he can still go to work. I will be coming home on some weekends to look at houses and to see my great husband.
Please pray that we find a house soon. And not just any house, because those are a dime a dozen. We believe that God has the perfect house out there, we just have to find it, or the people who own it need to release it! We have a few kids and would like a little bit of elbow room. We also want a little bit of property for our kids to stomp around on.
We will have our same cell phones and will use those primarily. So if you know them don't hesitate to call! I know that I would appreciate hearing from my friends once in a while since I will be so far away. We will be using my old email address- So please feel free to email, I will be taking my computer over there.
Well, this is the Smith Family signing off.......

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sun, Sun, Sun

This past weekend Shane and I and our family, took our friends, The Necelas, to my aunts cabin over by the Columbia River. Boy, was it HOT, and, so much fun!
On Saturday, we thought we would get out on the water as early as possible. So, at 11:30 we got out there. You know, to beat all the other boaters and have the water to ourselves. We had a great time tubing and wakeboarding. Shane and Tom both demonstrated great wakeboarding skills and attempted many tricks that I failed to capture on film. I'm sure they're glad. The kids barely got out of the tube long enough to have lunch. They seem to be getting more brave as we kept getting the thumbs up sign, meaning ,"Go faster!"
Nap Time......... Back at the cabin, the kids had a great time on the water slide. Up and Down they would go, over and over again. Any way they could, on their bellies, backs, upside down, head first, and I'm sure they invented a few new ways as well. They would slide down and then run as fast as they could to the other end to climb back up to do it all over again. Here's Tom reading the kids a bedtime story on Saturday night. Most of the kids slept like rocks from a hard day of play!Sunday consisted of a nice relaxing day. We watched the kids play some MORE on the water slide, as we relaxed on the patio. Several campers had Sunday afternoon naps, and Melissa and I took a few of the kids down to the beach to swim and play in the water.

I think that we all had a great time. Right, Charlee?

And, last but certainly not least, I want to thank Sherry and Steve for sharing their cabin with us. You guys are there almost every weekend and I thank you for letting us in on your summer time fun. You guys are the best!