Good-bye, 510 Deeded Lane
Ok, Ok, I know, it's been forever since there has been any action on the Smith family blog. Pick your jaws up off the floor, and take deep breaths. But, before you faint from shock of the unexpected, I would llike to share just a few things that we have been up to.
If you haven't guessed from the title of this entry we sold our house. It was on the market for two days before we got a full price offer! It's not final, but if everything goes like it's supposed to, we will be out by the end of August. When we moved here in 1999, we had one child. Now that child is almost 11, and has 4 other siblings! Life is good, and God has been so good to us.
We have been quite busy lately, looking at houses, camping, Tyler went to wrestling camp, Jordan and Zack have been taking swimming lessons, Ryan had a birthday, and now he is a big three year old! And my precious baby just charms my heart!
Here are a few other pictures of our family. We have been having a blast together this summer!