I'm a giddy schoolgirl! Seriously.
Ok, I get to see my husband in just 2 days, and I am soooo excited. It's not that this past month has been extremley difficult, it's just the thought of laying my eyes on Shane has me feeling all fluttery. I get to actually do something with him, instead of sitting on the computer with him, or speaking to him on the phone. I get t o hold his hand and walk down the street, sit next to him in the car, or plant a big smackaroo right on his lips!
The kids are all ready and excited to go to their temporary homes for the weekend. And surprisingly they are doing really good with the fact that mom gets to see dad and they don't. Please pray for them though, as they are all going to seperate places. They have never been seperated like this before and I'm a little anxious to see how Zack does without Tyler for the weekend. Ryan and Jordan actually will be together, and they are pretty inseperable anyways, so I know they will be fine.
Well, I better get packing. I just had to let everyone know how much I love my husband!

PS- Here's a little picture of the kids this morning. Who knew the movie Flipper could be so entrancing?
Yeah, I am so happy for you that you get to see your hubby. I don't know how you do it! You brave woman! God has given your family some strength yet! Well enjoy your time alone with your hubby you both deserve it! Your kids have gotten so big! I can't believe it!
That is so great. I've been praying for you guys!
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