Monday, February 27, 2006


We purchased a new camera a few weeks ago, and I am finally getting around to posting a picture. Here is Jordan, dressed in her "princess clothes". Complete with rubber boots and a clip on tie. When she came walking out of her room she informed us that her new name is Princess. And as her and Zack were playing she would only respond to him if he called her by her new name! Well, she has since put away all her finery and came back to earth, but not before I could chuckle and document the proper attire of a princess!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Back into the life of the living

Ok, so it's been a while since I have last posted anything. But I have an excuse, we have had the flu forever. Or at least it seems like forever. And when 6 people get the flu, then get better, then someone else gets it, it just goes on and on. I felt so sorry for my little guys. They felt horrible. There were a few days Tyler just laid in his bed. Zack was the only one who pretty much stayed on top of his game. Not much slows him down. He's been that way since he was in the womb though.
Well some other news. Shane and I have decided to buy a new home. We are looking pretty consistently, and hope to find a new house soon. The sooner the better as we'd like to be settled well before summer. So pray for us as we go into house seeking adventure.