Sunday, November 20, 2005

Trip to Idaho

This is Pat and Tahnee Meehan. Shane used to work with Pat at Baxter's some years ago and Pat moved to Idaho after he left Baxters. Shane and I (yes, all by ourselves!) went over last weekend to meet Pat's wife and just to hang out. It has been a few years since we have been to Idaho for a visit. We had alot of fun getting to know Tahnee and think that her and Pat are perfect for each other. As you can see they make a very cute couple. And they are expecting a baby! Pat and Tahnee are very happy and we are so happy for them! We look forward to getting together with them again soon.

We left the Meehans on Saturday and toodled around Spokane. As you can see per the pics below we had alot of fun together being goofy. After we left Spokane, we stayed in a hotel in Ellensburg before heading home. All in all it was a great weekend for Shane and I to reconnect and to just enjoy being husband and wife. It was like a second honeymoon all over again!

Here I am running a race. The other racers were really fast. It was like I couldn't even see them move!

My night in shining armor on his noble steed!

This was the biggest wagon I had ever seen. The handle was a huge slide it was alot of fun to go down.

Shane again on one of his noble steeds. Whoa, slow down there honey!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Fall Carnival 2005

This year was another great year for River's Edge Fall Carnival. There were many great games, toys, prizes, and not to mention the candy! Tyler came home with 390 pieces of candy, and Zack came home with 264. I didn't count Jordan or Ryan's. I think that we have enough to supply our neighborhood for the year!!
One thing that I thought was great was that just about everyone in our church participated! We had a great amount of hepers who ran the games and I was impressed by all the people who wanted to give Orting's children a fun safe place to hang out. So Thank you to everyone who helped out.
I would love to display a few pics of my very cute children, but I have misplaced my camera. I am hoping that my mom has it. (She popped in at the church for a little while and I am hoping that I gave it to her to hold.) So, I hope I find it!!!